The consortium

RECIFE is build around the complementary expertise of two French and one German institutes and aims at developping electrode materials that exceed the catalytic activity and durability of conventional products which will enable the development of powerful next-generation oxygen evolution reactions electrolysis catalysts.

IRCER (CNRS, University of Limoges)

IRCER team built around RECIFE focuses on both modeling and experiments. As for modeling, IRCER contributions to this project will be threefold: (i) Modeling amorphous Si-C-N, study of the Si-C-N/Ni/water interfaces and their electrochemical properties (ii) Study of the OER kinetics and mechanisms at the metallic surface with a particular focus on the solvent effects. (iii) Development of ML approaches to design and explore new refined anode materials and identify unexplored catalytic active site.

LSKW (University of Bayreuth)

LSKW team focuses in the synthesis of PAN/silazane co-polymers, the chemical modification with catalytic active metal compounds, ceramization and characterization. A particular attention is given to the synthesis of the metal modified precursors, their rheological and spectroscopic characterization and the e-spinning of the respective polymer mats.

IPCMS (CNRS, University of Strasbourg)

The IPCMS team will oversee first-principles simulations with and without the complementing free energy sampling methods, according to the processes to be studied. In particular, the IPCMS team focuse work on selecting and tuning the best suited reaction coordinates to fully capture reaction pathways and associated free energy landscapes of the targeted electrochemical processes.
