
Low temperature in situ immobilization of nanoscale fcc and hcp polymorphic nickel particles in polymer-derived Si-C-O-N(H) to promote electrocatalytic water oxidation in alkaline media

We synthesized nickel (Ni) nanoparticles (NPs) in a high specific surface area (SSA) p-block element-containing inorganic compound prepared via the polymer-derived ceramics (PDC) to dispatch the obtained nanocomposite towards oxygen evolution reaction (OER). The in situ formation of Ni NPs in an amorphous silicon carboxynitride (Si-C-O-N(H)) matrix is allowed by the reactive blending of a polysilazane, NiCl2 and DMF followed by the subseq ...

Synthesis and characterization of precursor derived TiN@Si–Al–C–N ceramic nanocomposites for oxygen reduction reaction

The development of efficient and durable catalysts is critical for the commercialization of fuel cells, as the catalysts’ durability and reactivity dictate their ultimate lifetime and activity. In this work, amorphous silicon-based ceramics (Si–C–N and Si–Al–C–N) and TiN@Si–Al–C–Nnanocomposites were developed using a precursor derived ceramics approach. In TiN@Si–Al–C–N nanocomposites, TiN nanocrystals (with sizes in ...

Revisiting the Electrified Pt(111)/Water Interfaces through an Affordable Double-Reference ab-initio Approach

The electrified solid-liquid interface plays an essential role in many renewable energy-relatedapplications, including hydrogen production and utilization. Limitations in computationalmodelling of the electrified solid-liquid interface have held back the understanding of itsproperties at the atomic-scale level. In this study, we applied the grand canonical densityfunctional theory (GC-DFT) combined with a hybrid implicit/expl ...